Saturday 11 January 2014

Geogebra: Equation of a line.

Information and Communication Technology: Standard X: Geogebra: Equation of a line

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Plot the points A(4, -3) and B (-2, 5). Join them and find the equation of the line passing through these points.

1. Open Geogebra. Make sure that the Co-ordinate Axes and the Grid is displayed.

2. Click on Tool No 2, and Select ‘New Point Tool’.

Figure 1

3. Click on the point (4, -3). A new point A will be plotted as shown.
Figure 2

4. Click on the point (-2, 5). A new point B will be plotted as shown.
Figure 3

5. Click on Tool No 3 and select ‘Line between 2 points Tool’.
Figure 4

6. Click on point A followed by point B. A line will be drawn through points A and B and the equation of this line will be displayed in the Algebra section of the display.

7. Save your file or print it if required.

Figure 5
George Ferrao


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Step 5 is wrong. It should be Click on Tool No 3 and select ‘Line through 2 points Tool’.

  3. Step 7: Coordinate values do not match that with assignment (igure 5). Line equation thus is wrong)
