Thursday 8 August 2013

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Draw a line segment of length 6.5 cm and draw its perpendicular bisector.

1. Open Geogebra. Click on Tool No 2 and select “Segment of Fixed Length.” See Figure 1.

2. Click at any place in the Graphic Area where you want one end point ‘A’ of the segment.

Figure 1

3. In the box that appears type in the required length. (e.g., 6.5) cm. and click OK. See Figure 2.

4. The segment AB of required length will be drawn.

Figure 2

5. Click on Tool No 3 and select “perpendicular bisector of segment” Tool. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

6. Click on the point ‘A’ followed by ‘B’. The perpendicular bisector of Segment AB will be drawn as shown. See Figure 4.

7. Save your file or print it if required.

Figure 4
George Ferrao

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