Sunday 11 August 2013

Geogebra Practical 8 Information and Communication Technology Standard X

Information and Communication Technology: Standard X: Geogebra Practical 8

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Geogebra Practical 8
Draw a regular polygon with 6 sides using ‘polygon’ tool in Geogebra.

1. Open Geogebra. Click on Tool No 4 and select “Regular Polygon.”

2. Click at any place in the Graphic Area where you want one end point ‘A’ of one side.

3. Click on another place in the graphic area where the other end of the first side (point B) should be.

Figure 1

4. In the box that appears type in the required number of sides of the polygon. (e.g., 6) and click OK.

Figure 2

5. The polygon having 6 sides will be drawn.

6. Save your file or print it if required.

Figure 3
George Ferrao

Thursday 8 August 2013

ABC’s of Good Writing

ABC’s of Good Writing

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ABC’s of Good Writing

Have you ever admired your friends writing and wished that you too could be as good at writing? Have you appreciated their use of simple words, their ability to make the article interesting and the way they manage to get their thoughts across clearly? Well, here are some tips that will make your writing equally interesting and enjoyable to read. Good writing, you will soon learn, is as simple as ABC.

is for Accuracy. No matter how many beautiful words you use in your article, if there are inaccuracies in the facts that you are trying to convey, you will end up upsetting someone. Check and re-check your article. As the saying goes, “If in doubt, find out”. Read books, magazines, surf the Internet until you get the information you need. While using material from the net, check the reliability of the sources you are referring to. Since anyone can post almost anything on the net, it is your responsibility to cross-check your material. Sources which are from famous Universities, educational institutes or from people who are masters in their field are generally more reliable than something written by any Tom, Dick or Hari.

is for Brevity. Be brief. In general, the attention span of people is very small. This is especially important while writing for children. If you wish to hold their attention, keep your matter brief. Remember, always KISS. Always Keep It Short and Sweet. Or as the Americans say, Keep It Simple, Stupid. Knowing who your readers are going to be is always useful. Writing short articles will force you to stick to your points and avoid boring repetitions. If you make your article long you will most likely bore your readers and they will then not get the important points you are trying to make.

is for Clarity. Be crystal clear. Make sure that anything you write is clear to the reader. Your ideas should be easily and quickly understood. Using small, familiar words and short sentences is always good. Winston Churchill once said, “Short words are best, and the old words when short are the best of all.” In general if a sentence runs to more than three lines there is chance that it may not be understood correctly or sometimes even convey a wrong meaning. Remember writing is a form of communication and if your writing is not understood then your communication is meaningless. Epictetus who was a slave once told his student, “Do not write so that you can be understood, write so that you cannot possibly be misunderstood.”
Now that you know the ABCs of Good Writing there is just one thing left to do. Start writing some articles. You will soon begin to write in a way that others will admire and appreciate.

Happy Writing.
George Ferrao

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Geogebra Practical 7 -(i)

Draw a line segment of length 6.5 cm and draw its perpendicular bisector.

1. Open Geogebra. Click on Tool No 2 and select “Segment of Fixed Length.” See Figure 1.

2. Click at any place in the Graphic Area where you want one end point ‘A’ of the segment.

Figure 1

3. In the box that appears type in the required length. (e.g., 6.5) cm. and click OK. See Figure 2.

4. The segment AB of required length will be drawn.

Figure 2

5. Click on Tool No 3 and select “perpendicular bisector of segment” Tool. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

6. Click on the point ‘A’ followed by ‘B’. The perpendicular bisector of Segment AB will be drawn as shown. See Figure 4.

7. Save your file or print it if required.

Figure 4
George Ferrao

Geogebra Practical 7 -(ii)

Geogebra Practical 7 -(ii)

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Geogebra Practical 7 -(ii)

Draw an angle of 133o and bisect it.

1. Open Geogebra. Click on Tool No 7 and select ‘Angle with given size’. See Figure 1.

2. In the Graphic area click on any place where you want one arm (Point ‘A’) of the angle to be.

Figure 1

3. Click on any other point where you want the vertex to be. (Point ‘B’)

4. In the box that comes up enter the measure of the angle that you want e.g., 133o.
See Figure 2

Figure 2

5. Click OK. The angle of the required measure will be drawn. See Figure 3.

Figure 3

6. Click on Tool 2 and select ‘Segment through two points’. See Figure 4

Figure 4

7. Click on the points A followed by B. Then click on the points B followed by A’.

8. The given angle will be drawn. See Figure 5.

Figure 5

9. Select Tool 3 and click on ‘Angle Bisector Tool’. See Figure 6.

Figure 6

10. Click on points A followed by B and A’. The required angle bisector will be drawn. See Figure 7.

11. Save and print your file if required.

Figure 7
George Ferrao

Standard X ICT Practicals

Information and Communication Technology Geogebra Practicals for Standard 10

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X

Information and Communication Technology 
Standard X

Geogebra Practicals

Practical No 7 (i): To Draw a line segment of length 6.5 cm and draw a Perpendicular Bisector to the line segment

Practical No 8 : To construct a regular polygon with 6 sides using 'Polygon' tool in Geogebra

Practical No 9 : Find the mean, mode and median of the following data 11, 25, 28, 37, 65, 47, 58, 59, 78, 14.

Practical No 10 : Verify the Theorem using Geogebra -- The measure of an angle subtended by an arc at a point on the circle is half of the measure of the angle subtended by the same arc at the center

Practical No 11a : Verify the theorem using Geogebra -- If two circles are touching circles then the common point lies on the line joining their centers.

Practical No 11b : Verify the theorem using Geogebra -- If two circles are touching circles then the common point lies on the line joining their centers.

Practical No 12 : The percentage of literate males between the ages 15 and 45 in a colony is given in the table below:
Class 15-2020-25 25-30 30-3535-40 40-45
Percentage 4238 35 2616 5
Draw a Histogram and Frequency Polygon.

Alternate method of doing Practical No 12 :

Saturday 3 August 2013

Internet Applications

Internet Applications

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Internet Applications
Q. 1
Define Blog. Explain the various types of Blogs.
A Blog is a combination of the words “Web Log.” It is a personal space (like a diary) where a user can log (write or post) information related to his interests or activities, express his ideas or opinions or share his knowledge through essays on specific topics.
The different types of blogs are as follows:
Personal Blogs: This is the most common type of blog and is used for sharing information about an individual’s personal activities, views, and interests.
Business Blog: There are two types of business blogs. An Organizational Blog is used by an organization to facilitate communication within the different departments in an organization. Corporate blogs on the other hand are used mainly for marketing and serve to advertise and inform about the Company’s products and services.
Educational Blogs or Edublogs provide information about specific topics related to academics. Blogs could also be classified as being art blogs, health blogs, music blogs, political, legal, or travelogs.

Q. 2
Write down the steps to create a Blog.
Several web-sites like Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Drupal, etc. provide users with free blogs. To open a blog of your own perform the following steps.
  1. Log on to the Internet and go to one of the above sites. Eg.,
  2. If you have a Google account you will have to log in first by providing your Gmail ID and password.
  3. If you do not have a Google account you can Sign up and create a new Google account.
  4. While signing up you will have to provide personal information, a user valid ID and password, alternate e-mail or telephone as required and enter the CAPTCHA details appearing on the screen.
  5. You will be now asked to create a Google + profile or you can choose a limited profile.
    Click on New Blog.
  6. Enter the title of your Blog.
  7. Enter the URL or let Blogger automatically provide you with the URL.
  8. Choose a template. This can be customized by changing style and settings as required.
    Click on Create Blog.
  9. You will now see the message “Your Blog has been created. Start posting”
    Create a new post. You may save a draft of your post for further editing. Preview it for checking if it is, as you wish it to be.
  10. Once it is okay, you may Publish the Post.
You can now view the Blog and publish further posts.

Q. 3
What is Google?
Google is one of the 5 most popular Search Engines on the Internet. It provides quick and relevant searches based on keywords input by the users. Google also lets you search for images, videos, and for information from blogs, catalogs, news and more.
Over the years Google has also developed other applications such as:
G-mail which provides email services.
Google + is the social networking site from Google.
Blogger allows the user to create his own blog.
Translation between several languages is also provided by Google.
Google Chrome is designed for fast browsing.
Youtube provides videos on a variety of topics.
Google Wallet is an online payment system designed to make online transactions quick and safe.
Google Drive provides a way of storing your documents online.
Calendar is used to organize your day to day life.
Scholar provides a way of searching for scientific papers and publications.
Google Maps provides maps and routes about any locality. Aerial photographs and Satellite images are combined to provide maps of most urban areas all over the world. Google maps, along with the GPS system make navigation easy.
Google Earth: This is a digital mapping system and displays a 3D model of the earth which can be rotated and viewed from different angles. Our Solar system and space can be studied using Google Sky.

Q. 4
Explain E-Commerce.
E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce. Mr. Vladmir Zwass defines e-Commerce as the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships and carrying out business transactions using computer systems and the telecommunication networks.
The business transactions could be buying, selling or exchanging of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet.
E-Commerce consists of three main areas, EDI, Electronic Market and Internet Commerce.

Q. 5
What are the advantages of e-Commerce?
E-Commerce has several advantages over traditional ways of conducting business.
Lower cost: Since costs related to advertising, storage and Showrooms are reduced the product now costs less. This benefit can be passed on to the buyer.
Customer Service: As the transaction is done online, the other aspects such as After Sales Service can also be handled conveniently using the Internet. This further reduces the cost and also quickens the process.
Comparison Shopping: Since the product is purchased online, it is easy for the buyer to make a quick comparison and find the best product that satisfies his needs.
No requirement of the middle man: All stages in the buying and selling are handled directly between the manufacturer and the buyer. The elimination of the middle man and the resulting cost benefits is one of the important advantages of e-Commerce.
Information Sharing and Control: Since there is a direct interaction between the manufacturer and the user, the information is shared quickly. The seller is available 24X7. Customers do not face problems of crowds or traffic jams and do not have to carry heavy bags.

Q. 6
Explain EDI and Highlight its benefits.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic transfer of information related to a business transaction using a private network or Value Added network. (VAN). EDI is used mostly in supermarkets, automobile industries in applications such as inventory control and material management.
EDI is used to prepare business documents such as quotations, purchase orders, invoices, payment records etc, used in execution and settlement phase of the trade cycle.
For its proper implementation, the EDI system requires EDI Standards, EDI Software, the EDI Network and the trading community.
The benefits of EDI are as follows.
Saves Time: EDI shortens the trade cycle by reducing the time from order placement, processing and final delivery of the product.
Cuts Costs: Since most of the processing is online the cost of stationery, postage, handling and staff costs is all reduced.
Reduces Errors: EDI eliminates data entry errors and delays in the placement of orders, invoicing and also payments.
Improves cash flow. Since the entire process from order placement to delivery and payment is online and automated to a large extent, it gets completed quickly.
Fast response. Since the entire process is done online, customers can be quickly informed about delays and they can act accordingly.

Q. 7
Give some examples of e-Commerce.
Online auction sites and Stores are examples of e-Commerce designed to sell goods. Similarly services like legal and medical and e-filing of income tax returns that are provided online are also examples of e-Commerce. Airline and train ticket booking is also an example of e-Commerce.

Q. 8
What is VoIP? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology designed in 1995 that allows a person to use the Internet to make telephone calls. Voice, video and data can be transferred using VoIP. The use of VoIP has greatly reduced the cost of overseas communication.
Advantages of VoIP.
Computers and VoIP can be used simultaneously. VoIP can also be used while travelling.
Due to increased speeds of Broadband services and lower costs VoIP is preferred for communications.
By having a common protocol and existing infrastructure VoIP increases convergence of communication services, i.e., Internet access, Voice, Video and Data Transfer.
Since VoIP uses existing infrastructure like telephone lines, an additional investment is not necessary for having VoIP.
Disadvantages of VoIP. Since VoIP uses the Internet the possibility of hacking exists. This is because the security levels of VoIP are not very high.
Spamming and unwanted voice mails cannot be avoided.
Since the data is transferred without using encryption, confidentiality is a serious concern.

Q. 9
Describe a Forum and its structure.
A Forum is a space on the Internet which allows different users to communicate and interact on specific topics. While a Blog allows only one person to post, a Forum allows different users to post their comments on the topic of the Forum.
A Forum is structured as a tree-like directory. At its top most level it has several categories which are divided into Forums, Sub-forums, topics and posts. The topics are also known as threads. This structure is controlled by a moderator or an administrator.

Q. 10
Explain how blogs can be used in education system.
A Blog that is made to help in education is known as an educational Blog or an Edublog. An edublog is an important tool for sharing information.
It provides a quick and easy way for teaching faculty to share information among themselves.
Students can research topics by reading blogs from around the world.
By making blogs of their own students can showcase their talents and knowledge to audiences around the world. This also serves to increase collaboration among students and thus increase their knowledge.

Q. 11
How will you find specific place routes by using Google Earth?
To find specific routes between any two place one must perform the following steps:
Go to the website of Google Earth.
Click on the “Get directions” button on the left side.
Enter the starting point and the Destination in the Boxes labeled A and B.
Click on the Get Directions button.
The right side pane will show the road map with the route between the two places highlighted.
The left pane shows important landmarks along the route.
Hovering the mouse on the landmarks displayed on the left pane will show their locations in the right hand window along the route.
Additional destinations can also be displayed by clicking on the ‘Add Destinations’ button. Additional Boxes C, D etc will be displayed.

Q. 12
Explain e-Market.
E-Market stands for “Electronic Market”. E-Market is defined as an inter-organizational information system that makes it easy for buyers and sellers to access information about new products, prices, payments and services using computer Networks, Internet and other electronic technology.
The e-market is very useful for traders who are very far from each other.

Q. 13
How is a Forum different from a Blog?
1A Blog is personal, usually belonging to only one person.A Forum is not personal. It is usually created by a Company or an organization. Certain sites allow forums to be created by individuals.
2A blog usually consists of short articles on specific topics, e.g., science, travel, education, etc. The user may however decide to post on other topics too.A forum has posted messages on specific topics. Users are usually not allowed to post messages on unrelated topics.
3Since a blog is personal, it is like an online journal or diary. The owner’s thoughts and opinions are posted allowing users to view and comment on these posts.A Forum consists of short posts on a specific topic designed to help other users to solve a problem.
4To own a free blog one must register with the provider. Viewing the blog is usually open to the public.While some forums require registration for posting messages others allow both viewing and posting messages without requiring registration.

Q. 14
Explain Trade cycle of e-Commerce.
A business transaction usually consists of several interactions between the buyer and seller. These interactions are known as the Trade Cycle.
For a buyer, the trade cycle generally consists of four phases.
Pre-Sales: Finding a supplier with a product that meets the requirements. This also includes agreeing to the price and other terms.
Execution: Placing the order and taking delivery.
Settlement: This stage usually precedes execution. Buyers usually pay for the goods or services and then the order is executed. However for Business to Business dealings where the volume is large, settlement is usually done after execution.
After Sales. In case of any problems after the order is executed or if all the conditions of the transaction are not satisfied they are sorted out at this stage.

Q. 15
Write a short note on maps and navigation.
Unlike a paper map, an e-Map or digital map makes navigation very simple. To look at the detailed map is as simple as zooming in to the desired area. Moving from one area of the map to the other can be very easily done by simply clicking and dragging on the map.
To zoom in to a particular place simply move the scroll button on the mouse forward, or the + key on the numeric keypad.
To zoom out move the scroll button of the mouse backward or use the – key on the numeric keypad.
Moving Up, Down, Left or Right can also be done using the direction arrows on the keyboard.

Q. 16
Explain e-Governance.
E-Governance is a system which allows people to access government information and documents by visiting the appropriate websites on the Internet.
e-Governance promotes transparency and efficiency and wider participation of the general public.
E-Governance improves interactions between Governments to Citizens (G2C), Governments to Business (G2B), Governments to Employees (G2E) and from Government to Government. (G2G)

Q. 17
Explain e-Maps in brief.
e-Maps or Electronic Maps are also called as Digital Maps. Unlike a paper Map, e-Maps are easy to handle and read. Linking e-Maps with the Internet and GPS means many more facilities are available to the user. The shortest or quickest route between two places can be quickly calculated, taking into account traffic and weather conditions. Looking at a detailed map of a particular area is as easy as zooming in to the location. For paper maps this would only be possible if separate maps were available.
Google Earth and Wikimapia are two common examples of e-Maps.

Q. 18
Explain Map layers in brief.
E-Maps are mostly composed of many layers; the base layer and information layers. The base layer has details about the geographical and administrative boundaries along with rivers, roads etc., while the other layers may comprise traffic layer, weather layer, labels layer, the transit layer and many more.

George Ferrao