Friday 20 December 2013

Information in Indian Languages

Information in Indian Languages

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Information in Indian Languages
Q. 1
What IS Unicode?

At the basic level Computers deal with numbers. Every alphabet, number or symbol is converted into a corresponding binary number and then processed. However while using different languages, different scripts were used, which was a cause of great confusion. The same code corresponds to different symbols in different languages. This meant that software or documents developed in one country could not be used in another.

The development of Unicode, or the Universal Alphabet was a solution to this problem. Unicode or UTF-8 is a set of over a million characters covering the majority of writing scripts from across the world. Systems are developed which use Unicode and these systems have the ability to read and process data from many languages.

Unicode is supported by all the latest browsers, so web pages made in different languages could be easily displayed without any compatibility issues.

Q. 2
What is transliteration?
Translation consists of representing the words of one language with the script used by another language. Transliteration keeps the pronunciation the same no matter what language is used. Transliteration Software is designed to type in one language (e.g. English) and the computer will convert it into another language. (eg Marathi)

Transliteration is different from translation. Translation retains the meaning of the words across different languages, while Transliteration only retains the sounds of the words.

Q. 3
Explain Google translate in detail.

Google Translate is a free service from Google which automatically translates from one language to another. This translation is done automatically using Natural Language Processing. (NLP)

Today Google provides translation in 80 languages worldwide. It also provides translation for 9 Indian Languages including, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Punjabi, Urdu, and Telugu.

Google translate works completely automatically by detecting patterns in other documents which have been translated by human beings. It uses these patterns to translate the document and its accuracy therefore depends upon how many documents that were previously translated by humans, are available.

Some translations are more accurate than others. Generally translations between English and most Western European languages have a high degree of accuracy whereas translations between languages such as Chinese and others using the Cyrillic script and not as accurate.

The Google translate service also includes a Text-to-speech converter which helps in improving the accuracy as well as allows the user to learn to speak the language.

Google translate is also available on Android based devices such as mobile phones and tablets.

George Ferrao

Friday 22 November 2013

ICT in Science, Maths, Modeling and Simulation

ICT in Science, Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT in Science, Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation
Q. 1
What are the benefits of ICT in Science? Give examples.

The use of Computers, the associated Hardware, Software and other digital equipment allows ICT to be used in Science in the following areas:
Collection of Scientific Data: Using ICT tools such as the Internet, email, newsgroups, blogs and conferencing, the collection of data is faster, easier and more accurate. This improves the quality of results.
Example: Computer controlled equipment can be used to directly record and store real time measurements.
Presentation: Instead of an oral explanation or text from a book, a visual presentation makes concepts easier to understand. Changes can be easily understood using tools such as Spreadsheets or Graphs.
Example: The Structure of the Atom can be more easily explained using a PowerPoint presentation.
Demonstration: In Science many experiments cannot be demonstrated live. However using ICT one can easily understand these experiments. Computer Simulations are used extensively for demonstration of various concepts.
Example: The study of Volcanoes, the human digestive system, or our Solar System becomes easy using ICT tools.
Prediction: Since collection of data becomes easy using ICT tools, we can use this data to predict events. The existing data can be extrapolated to understand things for which there is no direct information available.
Example: ICT is used extensively in Weather Prediction and Remote Sensing applications.
Interactive Education: Understanding scientific concepts becomes easy when interactive methods are used. Students can interact with the Computers and its software and easily grasp complex scientific topics.
Example: Most educational software provides teaching in an interactive way.

Q. 2
What are the benefits of ICT in Mathematics? Give examples.
Since the computer is capable of performing a large number of complicated calculations in a short time, it is easy to use ICT in learning Mathematics. ICT is used in Mathematics in the following areas.
Use of GUI: The use of a GUI provides a quick way to visually study the effect of changing values or parameters in a given calculation.
Example: A Spreadsheet can be used to solve equations.
Observing Patterns: The use of Computers and Spreadsheet software allows us to observe the effects of changing values. These varying values can be then studied for invariance and covariance.
Example: Using Geogebra, we can draw a geometric figure and then study the effect of changing the lengths of the sides or of the angles.
Observing Links: The use of Computers and Mathematics software, allows us to put formulae, graphs and spreadsheets of data in a program and display all simultaneously. By changing values we can observe the connection between them.
Example: In Geogebra we can input two equations and plot them in the Graphical View. The connection between these two equations will then be shown graphically.
Visualizing images: ICT has several tools which allow one to manipulate diagrams dynamically. 3-D figures are difficult to visualize and the use of Computers greatly simplifies things.
Example: A 3-D image of a Cuboid can be used to solve Pythagoras’ theorem.
Exploring Data: By using Computers a student can work with real data that can be represented in different ways. Students can take part in online surveys for collecting information and exploring it in a graphical way.

Q. 3
Define Modeling.
A Computer Model is a digital representation of a real life system. Using mathematical formulae and graphics programs, a virtual version of a real world system can be created. For example Computer Models of a ship can be built. This can be viewed in 3-D on the Computer with a facility to Zoom and rotate in selected areas. This allows us to study which Computer Model is best and then decide to build a real ship.

Modeling thus allows us to reduce the cost of designing as it is impractical to build several real ships and choose one, but it is easier to build several computer models and then select the best one.

Q. 4
Define Simulation.
Simulation is the technique of studying the behavior of a real world system by building a computer version of it. The use of a simulator also begins with building a Computer Model of a Real life system. One or more Variable of the Mathematical Model is changed so that we can study its effect. For example the laws of physics relating to fluid dynamics can be programmed in the Model of a ship. The user can then change variables such as speed or weight of the ship and study the stability of the ship under different situations.

Q. 5
Compare modeling and simulation.
1A Computer Model is a digital representation of a real life system. Using mathematical formulae and graphics programs, a virtual version of a real world system can be created. Simulation is the technique of studying the behavior of a real world system by building a computer version of it. The use of a simulator also begins with building a Computer Model of a Real life system. One or more Variable of the Mathematical Model is changed so that we can study its effect.
2For example, Computer Models of a ship can be built. This can be viewed in 3-D on the Computer with a facility to Zoom and rotate in selected areas. This allows us to study which Computer Model is best and then decide to build a real ship. For example, the laws of physics relating to fluid dynamics can be programmed in the Model of a ship. The user can then change variables such as speed or weight of the ship and study the stability of the ship under different situations.
3A model is considered to be static because it does not change. A simulator on the other hand is considered to be dynamic because the variables that govern the performance of the model change.
4A computer model tries to represent a real life situation. A simulation can also be used to study imaginary or impossible situations. (eg life on Mars)

(A) Both computer modeling and simulations are computer applications which represent a real world or imaginary system.
(B) Both computer modeling and simulations help designers to save time and money.
Q. 6
Explain the benefits of Modeling and Simulation.
Since both modeling and simulation involves building Computer Models, rather than real ones, they result in a huge savings in cost.
Modeling and Simulations are cheaper, faster and easier than making and testing different real life models.
Modeling and simulations can be used repeatedly without having to re-build models.
The efficiency of the person using M&S techniques and also the organization improves.
Since these techniques are flexible and dynamic, they can be used for simulation of complex situations.
Unexpected behavior will also show up as the use of M&S techniques allow us to perform testing of the system under extreme conditions.

Q. 7
Advanced stuff: (Not to be studied)
What is invariance and covariance?

Invariance refers to the property of objects (quantities) being left unchanged by symmetry operations.
Covariance refers to equations which do not change even after a change of the coordinate system.
Contravariance refers to equations whose form changes after a change in the coordinate system.

These terms come from a branch of Mathematics and Physics called Lorentz transformations.

These terms also occur in Computer Programming where they refer to different types of variables.

George Ferrao

Tuesday 8 October 2013

ICT in Day to Day Life

ICT in Day to Day Life

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT in Day to Day Life
Q. 1
Explain Social problems with ICT.
There are some negative effects of ICT especially in Social Networking applications.
People, especially the youth today find it easier to communicate online than in face-to-face interactions.
People become more individualistic and introvert.
Cyber-bullying is one of the problems prevalent on Social Networking Sites.
These sites thus have an adverse effect on the minds of young people.

Q. 2
What are the advantages of e-Commerce?
E-Commerce has several advantages over traditional ways of conducting business.
Lower cost: Since costs related to advertising, storage and Showrooms are reduced the product now costs less. This benefit can be passed on to the buyer.
Customer Service: As the transaction is done online, the other aspects such as After Sales Service can also be handled conveniently using the Internet. This further reduces the cost and also quickens the process.
Comparison Shopping: Since the product is purchased online, it is easy for the buyer to make a quick comparison and find the best product that satisfies his needs.
No requirement of the middle man: All stages in the buying and selling processes are handled directly between the manufacturer and the buyer. The elimination of the middle man and the resulting cost benefits is one of the important advantages of e-Commerce.
Information Sharing and Control: Since there is a direct interaction between the manufacturer and the user, the information is shared quickly. The seller is available 24X7. Customers do not face problems of crowds or traffic jams and do not have to carry heavy bags.

Q. 3
What is the impact of ICT in our Daily life?
The increased use of ICT in Our daily lives has had many benefits and also created some problems.
The use of ICT has greatly increased the speed of communication, besides making it cheaper and more reliable. News or messages can be instantly sent between friends or to conduct business transactions.

The use of ICT makes the sharing of information more effective and quicker. The use of forums, blogs, discussion groups and mailing lists makes sharing of information easy for everyone.

Electronic Communication makes the transmission and storage of documents easy. This paperless environment eliminates the need for physical storage of documents.

The use of ICT for online communication and social networking has made some people more introvert and individualistic. Cyber Bullying is also a major concern especially for young children.
Cyber crimes like e-frauds and identity theft is also increasing.
Health problems such as headaches, eye strain, neck, hands and back pain resulting from long hours spent in front of the Computer and bad posture is also on the rise.

Q. 4
How can ICT be used in Social Network, friends and family events?
The increased availability of High Speed Internet Access at lower costs means that all electronic communication is now available quickly and cheaply.

This means that we can send information by several modes viz. e-mail, instant messenger, or even via some social networking site. This information can be easily shared and thus a wider audience is reached in a short space of time.

Q. 5
How can ICT be used in the Education System?
The use of ICT in the field of Education has made the learning process more enjoyable both for the students as well as the teachers. Audio visual presentations, computer animations and simulations allow students to experience the topics under discussion more meaningfully. School administrators also use ICT to make their work easier. Besides this ICT plays a special role in the following areas.

Evaluation. Online testing has now become easier as Multiple choice questions, True or False, Fill in the blanks and Match the following type questions can be easily done by students with Evaluation being done by the Computers. This makes the process of evaluation and testing virtually error –free.

Remedial Teaching. Today our society is increasingly focused on the special needs of students who are slow learners. Teaching such children can be very time consuming and a strain on the teaching resources. The use of Computers, along with special programs and software has resulted in the benefits of ICT being available for Remedial Teaching also.

Virtual Laboratories. The development of Computer Based Virtual Laboratories eliminates the need for costly laboratory equipment. Virtual Laboratories also make the learning process safe.

On-line Tutoring Online tutoring is a great boon for those who are unable to go to a formal school. In this system, there is usually a one-to-one interaction between the student and the teacher over a high-speed Internet connection. The teacher uses a smart board or a PowerPoint presentation to answer questions posed by the student.

Developing Instructional Material. Many teachers have specialized in certain areas. By preparing videos, presentations and other instructional material, students from far away places or even other teachers can benefit from these experts.

Q. 6
How is ICT used in the banking sector and in industry?
Banking: The extensive use of Computers in the Banking Sector has transformed the way Banks operate. Computers are today routinely used to print passbooks, Account Statements, or issue receipts. Almost all banks today have an online banking facility which allows customers to conduct their banking activities 24X7. The use of ATMs linked to the banks computers also helps in the smooth functioning of the banks.

Obtaining loans either for personal use or even by businesses has now become easier. Systems such as Electronic Clearing Service (ECS), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) and Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) allows large amounts of money to be quickly transferred from one account to another without errors.

Industry ICT is used in all stages in Industry, right from planning, product design, production, and inventory. The use of ICT in Industry benefits the workers, managers and also the administrators. Workers use Computer controlled systems during production as well as quality control. Dangerous or routine jobs in industry are handled by robots which are controlled by Computers. Researchers and Administrators analyze data from the factories and also from the Market and come up with ways to improve the profitability of the industry.

Q. 7
Write short note on ICT and health.
Since one of the most important components of ICT is the Computer, most of the health risks of ICT are related to improper use of Computers.

Frequent use of the Computer results in bad eyesight, neck and back pain, and general fatigue. Repetitive Stress Injuries like Carpel Tunnel Syndrome cause problems in the hands, wrists and arms. This can be very painful at times.

Headaches, high blood pressure and obesity can also result from overuse of Computers.

Most of the above problems can be remedied by adopting a correct posture while working on computers. Taking regular breaks and looking away from the computer screen at regular intervals prevents eyestrain. Increasing the size of the text on the screen and sitting at the correct distance from the Monitor also helps to prevent problems.

George Ferrao

Monday 16 September 2013

Global Warming Causes Rising Land Levels

Global Warming Causes Rising Land Levels

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Global Warming Causes Rising Land Levels

What?? For many years now, scientists around the world said that Global Warming would result in the Sea Levels rising. This is because Global Warming causes the Polar Ice Caps to melt. The large amount of water that resulted would cause the Sea Levels to rise and many coastal regions would be submerged. This effect is already seen in many parts of the world.

However in some other parts of the world the effect is just the opposite. The land levels here are rising. How is this possible?

As the Polar ice melted and drained into the oceans, the enormous weight of the ice was lifted from the land below. This caused the land mass to rise. This effect is similar to what happens when we sit on a cushion. It gets pressed down. When we stand up, the cushion again moves upward.
As the ice gets deposited on the land...

The ice presses the land downward.
When the ice melts, the land moves upward again.
The land is rising in certain places by as much as 3 cm a year with some unexpected results. As the ice melted and flowed down towards the seas it caused heavy silting leading to a further increase in the land levels.
In Juneau, Alaska, Morgan DeBoer built a 9-hole golf course on his property which was previously under water. He is so happy with the results that he plans to add another 9 holes to his golf course.

In Kvarken located in the Gulf of Bothnia which separates Finland from Sweden, the land is rising so rapidly that scientists predict that soon there will be a land route from Finland to Sweden.
Since the land uplift is so rapid here, Kvarken has now been granted World Heritage status as it is the best place in the world for studying how the land is rising.

The main town of Rödlöga, an island near Stockholm used to be divided by a waterway. Today the two parts are joined together due to the rising land levels.

The effect is observed in several places like Alaska, Northern Sweden, Scotland and Siberia. This is known as post-glacial rebound or glacial isostatic adjustment and is not new. It has existed for about 10,000 years since the last Ice-Age.

Does this mean that we do not have to worry about rising Sea Levels? No, the problem of rising sea levels still exists. The land levels are rising in areas which were covered by ice. For the rest of the world the problem is different. In the British Isles, parts of Northern Scotland are rising up from the ocean while the Southern parts of England are sinking.

We should therefore continue to try to reduce our use of fossil fuels. Conservation and the use of alternative sources of Energy like Solar and Wind Power will help to reduce the problem of Global Warming.

George Ferrao

Sunday 15 September 2013

ICT Soft Tools : Spreadsheet

ICT Soft Tools : Spreadsheet

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT Soft Tools : Spreadsheet
Q. 1
Explain the default number formats available in Excel 2007.

By default Numbers in Excel 2007 are always aligned to the right.
If the number of digits in the number is large and if the cell width is insufficient, Excel will round off the numbers with decimal points.
If the number is too large, Excel will automatically use the Scientific Notation to display such numbers.
This is the General numbers option in the Format Numbers Window.

Q. 2
How can the number formats be changed in Excel 2007?

In addition to the General Format, Numbers can also be formatted as
1. Numbers:- The number of decimal points, use of a thousands separator and way of displaying negative numbers can be specified.
2. Currency:- In addition to the above, we can also choose a currency symbol.
3. Accounting:- Similar to currency, but the currency symbol and decimal points are aligned in a column.
4. Date:- Displays the number entered as a Date depending upon the type of setting and location of the user.
5. Time:- Displays the number entered as Time depending upon the type of setting and location of the user.
6. Percentage:- Multiplies the cell value by 100 and adds a “%” symbol at the end of the number. The number of decimals can be specified.
7. Fraction:- The number is displayed as a fraction according to your choice.
8. Scientific:- Uses scientific notation (Exponential) to display numbers. The number of decimals can be specified.
9. Text: Displays and treats the numbers as text. The numbers (“Text”) will be displayed right aligned by default.
10. Special:- Used for displaying PIN Codes, Phone numbers, or Social Security Numbers.
11. Custom:- This format is used to modify an existing format to suit your requirements. More than 200 custom formats can be created as per your needs.

Q. 3
What are functions? How are functions used in Excel 2007?

Excel 2007 has several Pre-written or Inbuilt formulas known as Functions.
Functions simplify our work by doing complex calculations without us having to remember the formulas.
Functions can be entered in Excel by following the “=” sign with the name of the function.
Excel prompts you to enter the required values which are known as arguments and displays the results in the active cell.

e.g. IF(J3> 35, “PASS”, “FAIL”)

Here the IF Function has 3 arguments which are put in brackets following the IF Keyword and separated by commas.

Q. 4
List various applications of Excel.

MS Excel 2007 is a spreadsheet program and any application that requires spreadsheets can be done using Excel.
Applications which require handling large amounts of data, calculating, sorting, filtering and formatting of data before printing or displaying as charts or tables can be easily handled by Excel.
For these reasons, applications such as Payroll, Inventory, Accounts are being routinely done on Excel.

Q. 5
What are graphs or charts? How can different types of charts or graphs be prepared with Excel?

A Graph or Chart is a pictorial representation of numerical data that is entered in Excel. Since large amounts of numerical data which is presented in a series of rows and columns is difficult to understand, a chart brings out the important points represented by these numbers in an easy-to-understand way.
The Chart Group under the Insert Tab allows us to choose different types of Graphs. To insert a chart in our Worksheet we must perform the following steps.
1. Select the range of data which must be used to create the chart.
2. Click on the Insert tab and then on the type of Chart you want from the Chart Group.
3. Choose the desired type from the list of displayed options.
4. The chart as selected by you will be displayed.
5. Change the Title or Legend as desired.
6. You can choose to put the chart on the same worksheet as the Data or on an separate sheet. Click Finish when done.
7. Your chart will be displayed.

Q. 6
Explain the features of the Excel 2007 Window.

The Title Bar in Excel displays the name of the Program and the Workbook.
The Ribbon consists of 7 main Tabs and more may be displayed depending upon the Work being done.
Each of the Tabs are divided into Groups and Commands.
The Microsoft Office Button has other commands while the Quick Access Toolbar provides a quick way to carry out often repeated commands.
The address of the active cell is displayed in the Name Bar while its contents are displayed in the Formula Bar.
The Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bars, the Worksheet Tabs and the Tab scrolling buttons allow a quick way to navigate around the Excel Workbook Window.
George Ferrao

ICT Soft Tools : Presentation

ICT Soft Tools : Presentation

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT Soft Tools : Presentation
Q. 1
What is a Slide Master? What is its importance?

A Slide Master is a Slide which stores information about the Theme, Background, Color, Fonts, Effects, Placeholder sizes and position in the presentation. In addition, Slide Numbers, Slide Orientation, Headers and Footers can also be set.

Changes made in the Slide Master are applied to all the slides in the presentation and this helps us to save time. The Slide Master is especially important in long Presentations as changes will be applied to all slides quickly.

Q. 2
Explain the procedure to create a Slide Master in PowerPoint.

To create or change the Slide Master in PowerPoint carry out the following steps:-
1. Open a blank presentation, click on View Tab and then in the Presentation View group click on Slide Master.
2. A blank Slide Master will be displayed with all the default settings. The default settings can be changed by clicking on the place and making the desired changes.
3. To add a new Slide Master, click on the desired location and then on the Slide Master Tab in the Edit Master group click on Insert Slide Master.
4. In the slide thumbnail view the Slide Master is the larger Slide while the settings of the different layouts are below this Slide Master.
5. The newly created Slide master can be saved as a Template for future use.

Q. 3
List various applications of PowerPoint 2007.

MS PowerPoint is a presentation package used mainly for preparing slide shows. Its ability to use images, graphics, smart art, slide transition effects and animations allows us to use PowerPoint in various applications.
1. PowerPoint is used extensively in the field of Education, as the use of graphics and animations make learning fun for children.
2. Besides Teachers, Students also use PowerPoint routinely to present their reports, assignments or projects for evaluation.
3. PowerPoint is also used in the field of Business and Commerce as it is easy to present new ideas, product information as well as performance reports both to clients as well as co-workers.
4. PowerPoint is also used in the field of Advertising since product information can be easily presented using this application.
5. Resumes, Newsletters and Invitations can also be prepared using PowerPoint.

Q. 4
Explain the 4 views that PowerPoint 2007 offers to look at our presentation in detail.

PowerPoint 2007 provided us with four different views while working on our Presentations.
1. Normal View. This view displays all the slides as Thumbnails on the left while the Slide being edited is displayed in the center of the screen. All features of the active slide can be modified as desired. The thumbnails provide a quick way to switch between slides.
2. Slide Sorter View. The Slide Sorter View displays thumbnails of all slides in the center of the screen and allows us to change the order of the slides, simply by clicking and dragging the required slide.
3. Notes Page view. The notes page view displays a small image of the active slide along with a window to enter Speaker Notes. The speaker notes can be printed if required.
4. Reading View. This view allows us to view the slides in a Full Screen. This is a way to preview the Slide Show.

Q. 5
Write a short note on Templates.

A template is an outline designed to help us to easily prepare presentations. The format is preset and the user only has to fill in personal details which are relevant to the presentation being prepared. The template has placeholders which indicate to the user the details that must be given by him. PowerPoint has templates for preparing Resumes, Calendars, Project reports, Advertising, Invitations, Plans, Schedules and many more.

Whenever we want to create a New Presentation, we must click on the Office Button followed by New. A dialog box opens which asks whether we want to create a Blank Presentation or use one of the existing Templates. Additional Templates are available for download from the Microsoft Website or from several sites online.

Q. 6
Make a list of the different Tabs and Groups in the PowerPoint Ribbon.

There are 7 main Tabs in the PowerPoint Ribbon. They are as follows:
1. The Home Tab contains the Clipboard, Slides, Font, Paragraph, Drawing and Editing Groups.
2. The Insert Tab has Groups for inserting Tables, Illustrations, Links, Text, and Audio and Video Media.
3. The Design Tab allows us to set the orientation of the Slide in Page Setup. Themes and Backgrounds can also be changed from this Tab.
4. The Animations Tab allows us to put Transition effects on our Slides, and even set the Timing and Sound. The Animations group allows us to apply animations on each object on the slide. We can also Preview the animations.
5. The Slide Show Tab has groups which allow us to Set Up the Slide Show, Start the Slide Show and set up the Monitors for use by the Presenter.
6. The Review Tab has the Proofing Group which allows us to correct errors in our Presentation. The other groups on this Tab are the Comments and Protect groups.
7. The View Tab has the Presentation Views Group and the Master Views group. In addition groups like Show, Zoom, Color/Grayscale, Window and Macros are also available.
George Ferrao

Introduction to the Internet

Introduction to the Internet

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Introduction to the Internet

Q. 1
Explain the use of any four buttons in the Internet Explorer Web Browser.

Some of the standard buttons that can be found on the Internet Explorer are as follows:
Home: This button will take you to the home page i.e., the first page that opens when the Browser is started.
Reload: The reload or refresh buttons reloads the current page. Any changes that may have taken place will be displayed now.
Stop: The Stop button cancels the present operation. If a page was being loaded, the stop button prevents further loading of the page.
Forward and Back: To view the previous page click on the Back button. Clicking on the forward button will take you to the page that was viewed after the present page. If the present page was the most recent page then nothing will be done.
Some of the other buttons are the Print, Save, Help and History buttons.

Q. 2
What are the advantages of E-mail?

The advantages of E-mail are as follows:
1. E-mail provides a quick and cheap means of communicating for both personal and business use.
2. Messages are transmitted securely.
3. Messages can be sent at any time that is convenient to the sender.
4. Messages can be read at a time that is convenient to the receiver.
5. Messages can be stored by both the sender and the receiver.
6. Mass mailings can be easily done using a predefined list of email Ids.
7. The Subject as displayed in the header of an E-mail message allows the receiver to prioritize the messages as per his choice.
8. The use of paper is reduced.

Q. 3
List various activities performed using Internet.

Email: One of the most popular uses of the Internet is E-mail. Using E-mail one can send and received messages instantly.
World-Wide-Web: The World Wide Web is a collection of Web-sites on the Internet. These websites are linked to one another to form a global “Web” of information.
Search Engines: Since the amount of information on the Internet is very vast, a Search Engine is required to provide us relevant information.
On-line chatting and conferencing: These are used both for Social Interactions as well as for communication in the Business world.
Newsgroups: Newsgroups on the Internet allow us to get news on various topics as well as post our own views about the topic under discussion.
Business: The use of the Internet for buying and Selling has led to cost advantages for both the seller and the buyer.
Personal: Home shopping, banking, buying of Airline and Railway tickets using the Internet is being used more often.
Education: The Internet stores a huge amount of information and anyone interested in learning can find the resources on the Internet. On-line courses are being offered by many Universities to help students pursue their studies in a convenient way.
Entertainment: Movies, Games, Songs and Videos are some of the Entertainment options available on the Internet.

Q. 4
List the Commonly used Internet Browsers.

Besides the popular Internet Explorer from Microsoft and Mozilla's Firefox, several other Browsers are available. Google's Chrome, Netscape Navigator, Apple Safari, AOL Explorer and Opera are some of the other Browsers.

Q. 5
Write a short note on Websites.

A website is a set of web pages along with the text, images, video, audio and other data that can be accessed from this place. A web-site must be hosted on at least one web Server and accessible from the Internet. A website is typically made up of web-pages. A web-page is written as plain text mixed with formatting instructions known as Hyper Text Markup Language. (HTML & XHTML) A web-page can also include pictures, text, audio and video from other web-sites by using their URLs. (Universal Resource Locators) Web pages are transmitted over the Internet using a protocol known as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Most web-sites are free but some may require a subscription to be paid for use.

Q. 6
What are the disadvantages of E-mail?

1. While e-mail itself is free, there are charges to be paid for use of the Internet, Electricity for the computer and also in the case of dial-up connections, charges for the Telephones. These other charges makes it difficult to calculate precisely the cost of e-mail.
2. E-mail is sent using simple text and complicated formatting is not possible.
3. Unless the receiver is always signed on there is no way of knowing if an e-mail message has arrived for him.
4. The receiver of the email must also be an e-mail user and must have access to Computer, a Modem and an Internet Connection.

Q. 7
Define the following terms:- Internet, Web Server, Client and E-mail

Internet: The Internet is a system of Interconnected Computer Networks.
Web Server: A Web-Server is a Computer which provides services to users over the Internet.
Client: A computer which depends on the services provided by a Server is known as a Client.
E-mail: The transmission of information in electronic form using the Internet is known as E-mail.

Q. 8
What is the difference between the Internet and the World-Wide-Web?
1The Internet is a system of Interconnected Computer Networks. One of the services available on the Internet is the World-Wide-Web.The World Wide Web is a collection of Web-sites on the Internet. These websites are linked to one another to form a global “Web” of information.
George Ferrao

ICT in Languages, Social Sciences and Arts

ICT in Languages, Social Sciences and Arts

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT in Languages, Social Sciences and Arts
Q. 1
How can ICT help in learning languages?

A language is one of the means of communication and allows humans to express themselves. Using language, both written and verbal, we can pass information from one generation to the next. ICT allows us to store this knowledge and share it easily.
The use of Language learning software allows one to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and helps us to learn a language quickly.
Word processors, translators, dictionaries, grammar checkers and games also help in learning a language.

Q. 2
How can Social Sciences be made interesting using ICT?

1. ICT makes both teaching and learning Social Sciences interesting for the teacher and the learner.
2. The use of pictures, graphics, charts and maps as teaching aids as well as in reports and presentations by students makes the study of these subjects interesting.
3. The data can be organized using Databases and Spreadsheets and presented in a systematic way.
4. The use of computers helps in the easy interpretation of this data.

Q. 3
Give the role of ICT in Arts.

ICT plays an important role for students and professionals in the field of art.
1. Paintings of famous artists can be easily studied and reproduced from the comfort of one's home.
2. In the field of advertising the use of sophisticated graphics software make the designing of pamphlets and brochures very easy.
3. Original artwork and patterns can be easily created for use in the Textile Design industries.
4. In the field of music, Computers make learning music or playing a musical instrument easy by providing on-line lessons. Users can download music compositions and even compose their own music.
5. The use of computers in the film industry allows one to add special effects both audio and video and also allows budding film makers an easy option to showcase their talents.
6. ICT allows those interested in dancing to learn any of the various dance forms from home.

Q. 4
Fill in the blanks. (Answers in brackets)

1. ICT is a medium of ____________________, (teaching and learning)
2. _______________ packages help in the creation of original artwork by creating patterns. (Graphic)
3. ICT in Education is used as a tool to ____________________ teaching and learning. (transform)

George Ferrao

Morals and Ethics

Morals and Ethics

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Morals and Ethics
Q. 1
Define the following terms: - Morals, Ethics

Morals:- Morals tells us whether an action is right or wrong. In ICT software piracy, unauthorized access to others private data and not respecting others' intellectual property rights are morally wrong.
Ethics:- The principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a group is known as ethics. For example, Business Ethics defines what is right or wrong in an organization.

Q. 2
Discuss Ethics for a computer professional.

Computer ethics or Cyber ethics are the rules governing the use of computers. Some of the rules are as follows:
1. Do not indulge in software piracy.
2. You must not harm or spread misinformation about others.
3. You should not use the computer to steal anything including intellectual property that belongs to someone else.
4. Respect others privacy and do not try to access their information.
5. You must not do anything to block other users from using their computers or accessing the Internet.

Q. 3
What are Cyber Laws?

Cyber Laws are laws enacted by the Government to prevent cyber crimes like:-
1. Software Piracy
2. Unauthorized access to another person's computer and personal information
3. Spread of misinformation or other prohibited material.
4. Stealing using Computer technology.
5. Blocking others use of Computers using viruses, or other malware.
6. Sending unwanted emails or Spamming.
The I. T. Act 2000 is one such Cyber Law which is in force in India.

Q. 4
Explain I. T. Act 2000.

Besides having provisions to prevent misuse as detailed above, the I. T. Act 2000 encouraged the use of eCommerce and tried to protect the interests of both the buyers and the sellers. The use of digital signatures, security procedures and multi-level verification methods has resulted in lower misuse of the Internet.

Q. 5
What is freeware and shareware?

Software that is free to distribute, copy and use is known as Freeware.

Shareware on the other hand is free to distribute and copy, but can only be used freely for a limited period of time. After the evaluation period, usually around 30 days, if the user still wishes to use the software a donation is expected by the creator of the software.

Q. 6
What are some of the ways that Intellectual Property Rights can be protected?

The use of Copyrights, Encryption and Patents are some important ways that Intellectual Property Rights can be protected.

George Ferrao

Keyboard Shortcuts for MS Word 2007

Keyboard Shortcuts for MS Word 2007

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
Keyboard Shortcuts for MS Word 2007
Control key Shortcuts for MS Word
To do this
Press Control and
Select All
Make Selection Bold
Copy the Selected Text
Opens the Font Dialog Box
Centers the text (pressing again changes to Left aligned)
Find desired text
Go To desired location, Page, line, section etc.
Opens the Replace dialog box
Makes the selected Text in Italics
Justifies the text (pressing again changes to Left aligned)
Inserts Hyperlink in the document
Left aligns the text (pressing again changes to Justified)
Puts Left Indent for a paragraph
Creates New Document
Opens existing document
Prints the document
Removes Paragraph formatting
Right aligns the text (pressing again changes to Left aligned)
Saves the document
Inserts a hanging Indent
Underlines the selected Text
Closes the Open Window
Cuts the selected Text
Changes to single line spacing
Changes to double line spacing
Changes to one and half line spacing (1.5 lines)
Adds or removes one line spacing before the paragraph
0 (Zero)
Reduces font size by one point
Increases font size by one point
Shows or hides the Ribbon
Opens the Print Preview Window
Closes the document
Switches to the next window.
Maximizes the Window
Open document dialog box

Keyboard Shortcuts for MS Word 2007
Function key Shortcuts for MS Word
To do this
Press Function Key
Go to
Displays the Ribbon Shortcuts (Alt)
Spell Check
Extends the selection
Displays the Ribbon Shortcuts (Alt)
Save As
George Ferrao

ICT Soft Tools - Word Processor

ICT Soft Tools - Word Processor

Articles ICT Standard IX ICT Standard X
ICT Soft Tools - Word Processor
Q. 1
How does the ‘autocorrect’ feature perform? Why is it necessary to customize the ‘Autocorrect’ option?
One of the most frequent mistakes occurs when a user interchanges two letters of a word. In Word 2007 the Autocorrect feature can automatically correct these mistakes.

For example the word ‘the’ is often typed in as ‘teh’ and the word ‘can’ is often typed in as ‘cna’. Since this correction is done automatically, it helps to save time. Errors that might otherwise have been overlooked are also avoided.

Autocorrect can also be used to apply special formatting. E.g. ‘(c)’ will automatically turn into ‘©’, and ‘(r)’ will turn into ‘®’.

When we repeat certain text often in our documents, we can customize the Autocorrect feature in Word to automatically type in this text when we type its abbreviation. E.g., Word can be customized to type in an address when one types the abbreviation ‘myadr’.

Mathematical symbols can be easily added when we use the Autocorrect feature of MS Word.

Q. 2
How can the task of checking spelling, grammar and readability be accomplished?
To check and correct Spelling and Grammatical errors we should perform the following steps.
1) Click on the ‘Review’ tab.
2) In the first group “Proofing” click on the Spelling & Grammar Button.
3) MS Word automatically scans through the document and misspelled words are highlighted.
4) When MS Word finds a misspelled word it will provide suggestions as corrections for this error.
5) Select from this list and then choose either to Change the word or all occurrences of this misspelled word.
6) Sometimes, proper nouns, words not in the custom dictionary or words derived from Indian languages may show up as errors.
7) We can choose to ignore these errors by clicking on the ‘Ignore’ button.
8) We can also add such words to the Dictionary so that they will not show up as errors later.
9) Clicking on the ‘Check Grammar’ Tick box at the bottom of the dialog Box will automatically check the grammar and provide suggestions.
10) On completion of the spelling and grammar check MS Word provides statistics related to the readability of the document.

Q. 3
Write the salient features of Word 2007 as a Word Processor.
Following are the salient features of MS Word as a Word Processor:
1) The text editor in MS Word allows the user to add, delete or modify the contents of the document very easily.
2) Editing commands are available which can change a single character, word, sentence or whole paragraphs.
3) In addition, MS Word also allows us to Move (Cut and Paste) characters, words, sentences or paragraphs from one section of the document to another or even from one document to another.
4) Spelling, Grammar and Readability allows us to improve our document.
5) We can insert pictures, tables, charts, WordArt, SmartArt, Shapes, Text Boxes and other clip art to improve our presentation.
6) Besides the Help function provided in the program, there is an excellent Online Tutorial for getting help and solving all problems that may occur.

Q. 4
Write a note on the Ribbon in Word 2007.
The area across the top of the document area and just below the title bar is known as the Ribbon. All the commands that can be performed in MS Word are available here.

This arrangement of the commands makes it easy to use as common actions are all shown in one place.
The ribbon is made up of 7 Tabs. Each Tab in turn is divided into several Groups which show related items together. The group has commands which could be buttons, menus or dialog boxes.

Q. 5
How do you insert Tables in a Word Document?
There are different ways a Table can be inserted in a Word 2007 document.
1. When we click on the Table command we see a grid of rows and columns. Clicking and dragging on the required number of rows and columns will insert a table having the desired rows and columns. See picture given alongside.
2. If we require a different number of rows and columns from what is available in the grid we can use the Table -------> Insert Table Command. In the dialog box that comes up enter the desired number of rows and columns and press Enter.
3. Preformatted tables along with sample data can also be inserted in MS Word by using the Table --------> Quick Table Command.
4. A table can also be inserted by using the Draw Table or the Excel Spreadsheet commands.

Q. 6
Explain the commands used to Format the Table.
The Layout Tab under Table Tools has several options for formatting a table.
Inserting: We can Insert Columns to the Right or to the Left of the current column. Similarly Rows also can be inserted above or below the current Row. A single cell can also be inserted by shifting the adjoining cells to the right or below the current cell.
Deleting: The selected Columns, Rows or Cells can be deleted if required.
Merging or Splitting: Cells can be merged or split as desired. The table can also be split so that two separate tables are made.
Gridlines, Borders and Shading: Clicking on the View Gridlines toggles the display of the gridlines on the table. The gridlines are only for viewing purposes and will not be printed. The Borders and Shading command from the Home Tab will however give different borders or shading which can be printed.
Height and Width: The height of the rows and the width of the columns can be adjusted either by dragging the borders or by the specifying the exact measurement in the boxes provided.
Alignment: The contents of the cells can be aligned left, right or centered as well as top, bottom or in the middle.

Q. 7
How do you add an Autocorrect entry during a Spell Check?
When running a Spell Check MS Word will highlight all entries not found in its dictionaries.
A dialog box will provide a list of suggestions for the incorrect word.
If this mistake is made frequently, we can add it to the list of autocorrect entries by clicking on the correct option and then clicking on Autocorrect.
In future if the same incorrect word is typed, it will automatically be corrected.

Q. 8
Write a short note on creating letters with Mail Merge.
1. The Mail Merge facility of MS Word is available under the Mailings Tab and can be used to send a similar letter to different recipients or to make labels using a data base.
2. Performing a mail merge consists of preparing two documents:- the main letter and the database to which it is linked.
3. Each field (Heading) of the database provides a Merge field in the main document.
4. MS Word prepares one letter for each of the records (rows) of the database.
5. You can preview the each copy of the letter before printing the whole set.

George Ferrao